How to Start a Vegetable Garden

Grow Your Own Food!

I love food gardens. There is nothing like walking into your backyard for a fresh vegetable, herb or fruit that you cultivated yourself! Not to mention, you know exactly what kind of food you are getting when it comes from your own garden. You can make it as organic and toxic-free as you please!

We have had chives growing under one of our trees since we moved in. There is nothing like taking warm twice baked potatoes out of the oven and remembering you can simply run in the backyard and grab some fresh chives to go along with them! Priceless! Especially the way I cook - I love creating dishes and recipes from what I have around the kitchen. Just imagine the concoctions I could come up with with an entire garden at my disposal!

We first moved into our house about a year ago now and I was not at all successful about starting a garden the first Spring/Summer. Three blueberry bushes, a tomato plant and countless herbs later, I am now more familiar with where the Sun will fall in our yard, and I am ready to start my own vegetable garden! And let's face it - any type of garden is a commitment, but I am confident that I can make this work.

I hope this Summer I will be able to run out in the yard for fresh zucchini, cucumbers, mini tomatoes, thyme or strawberries anytime I want! (At least, these are the seeds I have started with so far). I wanted to get a head start as soon as the weather started getting warmer but was afraid of more frosts to come, so I began my garden from seeds indoors!

Starting Seeds for a Garden

These seed starter kits actually came from The Christmas Tree Shop. They were 2 for $3! You can't beat that. For that price, I figured if I couldn't make them grow, it wasn't a huge loss. But, I am pleasantly surprised. See why:

The instructions were extremely easy to follow. Just add water to the soil and let soak in overnight. The next day, make holes in the soil and place the seeds inside. Cover with soil and keep moist!

2 WEEKS LATER::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

At first, it looked like the zucchini, cucumbers and thyme were going to be the only ones to grow (I was definitely considering this a success). But just tonight I noticed green popping up, even if just a time bit, in EVERY SINGLE starter pot!!!! My garden is growing :)  The next step will be figuring out how to replant these into an outside garden.
This is just the start, I want to at least add lettuce and a few more herbs to this list. I eat a lot of salads in the Summer!
